Colostrum + Curcumin 60 capsules - food supplement

46,90 €
Bester Preis in den letzten 30 Tagen:
24,50 P.
60 pcs
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Colostrum + Curcumin 60 capsules - food supplement

Active ingredients per capsule: curcumin (297mg), colostrum IgG40 (100mg), piperine (3mg) Weight Contents: 29g ± 5% (60 capsules).

Recommended dosage: 2 capsules per day (to be taken in the evening before food, with a sufficient amount of liquid).

Note: Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. This product is on the market as a food supplement. It is not a medicament. Food supplements are not a substitute for a varied diet. Not suitable for children under the age 3, pregnant or breastfeeding women. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. In case of specific health problems, consult your attending physician. Contains milk and milk derivatives.

Manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision.

Manufacturer: ESSENS EUROPE SE. Zoaoralova 3045/1e, 62800 Brno

What is Colostrum?

Colostrum is the first milk, produced by the mammary glands after mammals give birth. Contained within are all necessary, ready-made antibodies to protect against infection in the early weeks of life.

Colostrum is valued for its high content of vitamins (A, D, E, C, B1, B2, B6. B12, folic acid, pantothenic acid, biotin, niacin), minerals, trace elements (sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, chromium), proteins and protease inhibitors. Colostrum contains antibodies which are effective against bacteria, viruses and fungi. It also contains Lactoferrin - a multifunctional protein which reduces inflammation in the body.


The extract from the plant turmeric, which is from India. This is yellow dye from turmeric. Dried curcumin powder is approximately 3.14% curcumin, which is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

ESSENS Colostrum comes exclusively from bovine (cow) farms with permanent veterinary control in the Moravian- Silesian Region. Further processing takes place in a pharmaceutical company that is certified with GMP under the auspices of WHO - (World Health Organization) and HACCP - (system of risk analysis and determination of critical control points) and under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic according to EU directives.

ESSENS Colostrum + curcumin was developed and is manufactured under pharmaceutical supervision in the Czech Republic, in compliance with the strictest EU rules and standards. The active substances are obtained exclusively from natural sources without the use of chemically prepared raw materials. Only raw materials of the highest possible quality are used for production. Does not contain sugar or gluten. Contains lactose, but thanks to it's very low amount, the ESSENS Colostrum + curcumin supplement is very well tolerated by people with an intolerance.

What is the Colostrum + curcumin good for? Ask Your distributor.

Ingredients: curcumin, bovine colostrum, black pepper extract (piperine), additives (magnesium stearate), capsule composition (gelatine).

Nataliya Mykyteyek Martsinovska
Bewertet 03/03/2025

Slavomíra Florišova
Bewertet 19/02/2025
Colostrum s kurkuminom je fantastický produkt, mám s ním veľmi dobre skúsenosti, soplik u detí vyrieši rýchlejšie ako samotné colostrum.Moja dcéra si dodnes pýta oranžový jogurtik, keď bola malá vysypala som tobolku do jogurtu, teraz už prehĺtaju ale sem tam jej to nostalgicky znova vysypem. Soplov sme sa teraz zbavili vďaka colostru s kurkuminom za 2dni! Pri prechladnuti používam kanvičku do nosa a soft sprej zriadený s vodou, ktorý striekam do nosa. Za dva dni bolo po soploch!!! Top produkt!

Marian Patrascu
Bewertet 13/02/2025
Recomiendo a todas las personas ❤️

Katarína Bejdáková
Bewertet 12/02/2025
Colostrum a curcumou je top kombinácia pomohol mi vyriešiť zápal v tele,ktorý sa prejavoval už aj na pleti( a to vtedy mi nevedela pomôcť ani kožná lekárka). A zároveň som s týmto produktom pomohla veľa ďalším ľuďom s podobným problémom.

Svetlana RATEL
Bewertet 08/02/2025
Excellent produit

Бекзат Орынбасарқызы Есенғалиева
Bewertet 07/02/2025

Жангүлім Мәлікқызы Мажитова
Bewertet 26/02/2025

Гулназ Азимжоновна Бакирова
Bewertet 20/02/2025

Жаныл Мухамбеталиева Ескаиыровна
Bewertet 17/02/2025

Nina Werle
Bewertet 17/02/2025

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